I spent most of the time hunting for surf, and hunting for the required gear for me to be able to ride that surf. In the end, the wind and swell would not cooperate, and we left without me having a chance to get in the ocean. We went for a walk around the point, which seemed to be the 'better' part of town. This area was made up of fastidiously unrenovated homes- there was not an added on porch or car-port to be seen. And all the places were in perfect condition, they looked as new as they would have when they were built back in the sixties. Lots of crisp, pastel American angles and planes contrasted with natural stone feature walls. Like the Brady Bunch house but in bite-sized portions. This place was an suburban architectural time capsule, as cute and sinless as pie.

Eventually, the absence of cooked food forced us to retreat to more inhabited places. The lack of people meant a lack of open restaurants (at least, restaurants that were turning over fresh ingredients), and as the hotel didn't have a kitchen for us, the closest thing we ate to comida caliente during our stay was the coffee that came with breakfast each morning. We did make some serious headway in the field of hotel room food preparation (bruschetta assembled and served on plastic bags was a major triumph), but a food pyramid consisting of Doritos (we consumed the towns entire supply) and alfajores (ridiculously sweet double biscuit things) sent us packing back to Punta Del Este.
1 comment:
G'day Dave I am Jake and Sam Smith's dad.I was talking to Stephen at Jamie Pickett's place watching the game between Rabbitohs and Manly and Steve gave me your site. It's terrific. Not only have you captured the pic epic but you made me laugh as well. Thanks. I just thought that you'd like to know someone was checking out your stuff. Good luck with the rest of your trip.
Rob Smith
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