Continuing our tour of the cold backcountry of Argentina, we journeyed onto Carlos Paz, a town with an outstanding collection of retro styley hotels. The town is set on a lake, which meant I finally got to go paddleboating (a long held desire that became a merciless, bizarre nautical lust after I was foiled multiple times down south). Hotel architecture admired and lake paddleboated (never want to paddleboat again. Why did I think it would be fun? Uncanny resemblance to exercise), we were done with Carlos Paz.
Thursday, June 28, 2007
Monday, June 25, 2007
Capilla del Monte
Much to the dismay of our Hostelling International host, we chose top forgo any of the excursions that cost money, and instead climb a mountain in a nearby town. We caught a bus over to Capilla del Monte, then a taxi to the base of the walk, and then through a confused conversation with a mumbling park ranger found out that the mountain was not climbable today, due to the bitter cold. Instead, we explored a riverbed and watched a cat try and catch an eel in a pond. Exciting times up here.

Sunday, June 24, 2007
La Cumbre

The next day we escaped
Saturday, June 23, 2007
Friday, June 22, 2007
Tuesday, June 19, 2007
Resistencia Sculpture City

Putting the right accent on the right syllables in the name of this town is one of the hardest feats of word gymnastics I've attempted. Even after asking for tickets at twenty ticket offices I still can't say it like the locals, and end up stumbling around the first few syllables until someone steps in and says it for me.

Anyway, we reached it via and overnight bus. Sleep was rudely interrupted by one of the random ID checks the police are so fond of here, and again later by another policeman demanding to search my backpack. We arrived, wandered and checked into the fabulous Hotel Colon, right in the heart of Resistencia. Ooooh, another hotel, and this one had a bath! Luxury unsurpassed.

Resistencia is not equipped to deal with tourists, the Information offices are hidden away and maps are hard to come by. The main tourist attraction is the collection of 400 or so decomposing and graffitied sculptures sprinkled about the city. Some had fallen over, and nearly all had the information plaques removed. A couple even had the sculptures removed, and were just bases crouching apologetically displaying some broken concrete and twisted reinforcement steel.

We got out of dodge via a taxi to the bus terminal. The taxi driver was loud, erratic, extremely impatient and disturbingly, kept crossing himself and stroking a piece of red ribbon hanging from the mirror for the entire, seat gripping ride. The bus was a much more sedate affair, and we slept soundly though the night and onwards.
Monday, June 18, 2007
Iguazu Scraps

Friday, June 15, 2007
Iguazu Falls
Once inside the park, we navigated past tour operators, gift shops, cafes and market stallers and found our way to the jungle. The park is explored via a network of steel catwalks, so there's no chance of getting lost and even less chance of encountering large hungry cats. We did come across swarms of butterflies and packs of coati, but neither seemed interested in us.
The entire time we were inside the park, we could hear the low white noise of the falls. The first viewing platform:

We spent the morning climbing up and down steps and catwalks gawking at the Western set of falls. We also jumped aboard a boat which took us right up to the impact zones of where all this water was coming down in such a hurry. The driver parked us right next two different sets of these continuous explosions, leaving us thoroughly soaked. The spray was so severe that we couldn't look in the direction of the water for more than a couple of seconds at a time.

In the afternoon, after a pleasant train trip through the forest we arrived at the catwalk leading to Garganta del Diablo, the main attraction. We walked for about a kilometre over the river, heading towards a cloud of mist slowly pulsing out of the middle of the water. Once on the viewing platform, the sound of tonnes of crashing water drowned out any other noise.
The horseshoe shaped mouth of these falls is a white vortex that seems to be sucking endless amounts of water away into nothing. It is a void- there is nothing down there as far as the eye can tell- just white oblivion. Pure sound and the odd shimmer of shadow are the only clues that this liquid chasm might have a base. The white extends through the canyon and up into the sky, and everyone so often spray rises up out of the depths and covers everyone on the platform. You feel very, very small peering down over this unimaginable power into nothingness.

Thursday, June 14, 2007
So, in between maintenance we went to some art galleries, further explored the tremendous vegetarian opportunities, browsed markets and drank lots of coffee. Not much to write home about... dental ordeal over -time to leave- we head North to the sun.
To Iguazu....
15 hours after leaving Buenos Aires we stepped off the bus and into the glorious warmth of Iguazu. A taxi dropped us off at the hostel where we spent the afternoon getting our fluro white bodies reacquainted with UV rays.